Well, as you may have noticed, I've been a little remiss in posting. After my great first day of diving my ears acted up, so no more diving for now. It's a real bummer, but better to protect them for the future. This is 2 for 5 on having ear problems while down here, not great.
Dad is also recovering from a pretty bad cold so we have been taking it pretty easy. We have however been driving around and taking some neat pictures however, so I figured I would post some today. What follows are all from last night and today. They start down near the slave huts on the south west side of the island last night, and then continue to various parts of the island, mostly the east side, today. Enjoy.
Sunset on the southeast part of Bonaire. It wasn't a
great one, but the sky and the water are just so huge. . . |
That same sunset, just zooming way in on the colorful bit . . . |
We were waiting a while for the sunset. While we waited, I took this and the next two pictures. |
This is where we were sitting for about an hour waiting for sunset.
Those little white huts were the weekday quarters of the slaves
who worked the salt flats on island. They are bout 6' high
in the center, and about 6' wide by 8' long. The slaves "got" to go
home after a half day of work on Saturday, but had to be back
Monday morning for work. It was a 7 hour walk each way. |
Bonaire gets a good portion of its power from these 12 windmills.
These are up on the northeast side of the island. |
It is amazing, for an arid island, just how lush everything is right now.
Flowers are blooming, baby goats and iguana's abound.
While its not exactly spring, it is evident that the rainy season is here! |
First time seeing these here - honey bees! |
Crested Caracara. Cool raptor: Its a member of the falcon family,
but builds stick nests and spends a great deal of time on the
ground -making it, according the the Peregrine Fund, the
most "terrestrial" falcon. |
Very cool way that these cactus were growing. There was
one other group nearby doing the same, but I've never
seen others like this. |
And I'll close with view through the bushes on our road. Doesn't really give the normal impression of Bonaire though - looks lush and vibrant here, not Bonaire's normal state. |
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